
Why Schools Will Fall Behind in the AI Race

Last Updated by Sarah on July 5, 2024

When you ask someone about AI, they’ll probably mention something along the lines of Chat GPT and other AI chatting mechanisms. It depends however, who you ask, as if you ask a teenager or adult the tone of response will vary significantly.

At school, it seems AI software is only useful for students. For teachers, it poses no use. That in and of itself is the issue. When we only look at AI as a way to cheat then we’ll never be able to understand and protect ourselves from it because the truth is, especially for teachers in school, detecting AI in essays and other work is hard.

Schools focus on demonizing AI, choosing to focus on the negatives without both properly understanding its capabilities and how it can help us as a society. Instead of doing that, schools should teach AI and the ways in which it can revolutionize the medical world, for one. Imagine a world where AI can detect cancer early with a 100% success rate.

AI needs to be taken seriously in schools too. By not taking it seriously, we leave younger generations vulnerable to attacks but also continue to perpetuate the idea that AI is only something that can be learned as an adult.

Everywhere we should not only be pressuring schools to add AI curriculum to their schools, but make it manditory.

What do you guys think?

About Author

Lover of all things books, cats, and art, Sarah is currently a student in high school. When she is not reading, Sarah is usually writing and can be found in libraries and bookstores. Sarah is always looking for new adventures to write about (her Hogwarts letter didn't come so she's waiting to turn 50 for her adventure to the middle earth).

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