
8+ Resources That will Help you Survive High School Science

Last edited on May 10, 2024 by Sarah Pereira

High school may be very stressful for some students. In the beginning, I found high school science to be difficult and confusing to follow. Throughout high school I found some websites that were really helpful for myself, so it is only fair that I share them.

Clear Sticky Notes

Especially in Biology, taking notes on all the ecological cycles is tedious, not to mention, hard. Clear sticky notes are literally a life saver. All you need to do to use them is place them over the your desired graph or model and copy it!

Bozeman Science

This is one of the best science websites out there. Bozeman Science offers tons of different kinds of science videos for each subject. The teachers in the videos explains the material in depth and thoroughly. The videos are fairly short and not too long.

HHMI Biointeractive

HHMI Biointeractive that has all kinds of different science topics, spanning over seven different topics. Each topic has various videos, interactives, and activities that could help you gain a better understanding of science.

Biology Corner

This site that offers all different kinds of worksheets, lesson plans, resources and tutorials. On website header bar there is a list of different kinds of science subjects. Biology Corner puts out resources for all grades.

Khan Academy

This is a quite well known website but for a good reason. Seriously, all the videos average a length of 15 minutes but include very thorough analysis and explanation on every subject. Khan Academy is free to use and you don’t need to make an account to make the videos so as long as you are okay with your progress not saving.


This is actually for IB biology but it works just as great for regular high school biology. This website also includes super, super in depth summaries on each topic of biology. To find them, open up BioNinja‘s website and on the top bar hover your mouse of over additional resources. Then click on summary PDFS and voila!

Biology Online

Biology Online offers explanations all different kinds of science. On the top of the website there is a search bar that allows you to search your science topic. Each topic has a small description, images and videos relating to what you searched.

Biology Junction

Biology Junction offers various different kinds of biology level. This website mainly focus on Biology, although it does have some of the different science subjects. It give you a in depth description about the subject, along with some advice and tips.

About Author

Lover of all things books, cats, and art, Sarah is currently a student in high school. When she is not reading, Sarah is usually writing and can be found in libraries and bookstores. Sarah is always looking for new adventures to write about (her Hogwarts letter didn't come so she's waiting to turn 50 for her adventure to the middle earth).

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