
Bone Crier’s Moon Book Review

Last edited on February 3, 2022 by Sarah Pereira

The main reason, I’ll admit, I picked this up was because of it’s stunning cover. If you don’t want spoilers in this Bone Crier’s Moon Book Review, skip to Should You Read Bone Crier’s Moon below!

Bone Crier’s Moon Summary

In a world where Bone Crier’s must kill their most beloved in order to show the gods they have what it takes to be a Ferrier, Ailesse is rather desperate to prove herself worthy to her mother as well as earn this title. A Ferrier are women in this society that are entrusted to keep the dead away from the living and to almost “ferry” them from the dead. As the story progresses, readers are introduced to Bastien, who craves revenge on the Bone Criers for killing his father. Yet when Bastien happens to capture the Bone Crier, Ailesse, her ritual has already begun, and their fates are now entwined through life and death as soulmates.

Bone Crier’s Moon Book Review

One of the weakest parts of this book is the characters. They’re unfortunately bland and one-dimensional. One of the characters that stood out the most for me (and not for a good reason) was Jules. All we know about her is she is an orphan, relies on stealing food to support her friends, and has a feisty side. Other than this, readers know nothing about Jules, and there were often times where she was disliked for being unusually annoying.

Plot-wise the plot’s pace was decent yet, I was still able to finish this in a few sittings. Additionally, there was always something off about Odiva (Ailesse’s mother), so the plot twist wasn’t entirely unexpected and may have even been expected by some readers. I don’t know if it was something I missed or the author’s own mistake but, I find that the lack of men in this society unnecessary as they too can go through heartbreaks.

It is especially hard for writers not to include info dumps in fantasy books, however, in Bone Crier’s moon, there aren’t many. Which is both good and bad in this case. While the French aspect was nice, the magic system was interesting. Just the fact that the people in this society get their powers from specific animals is cruel but interesting. In the same way, the concept of ferrying the dead and the specific gods worshipped in this book is something I’ve never read about.

The enemies to lovers aspect of the book was fine. I would’ve liked more tension and clarity, but I’ve read worse. Though, I feel like the whole “we’re actually not soulmates” thing is a cheap excuse to drag out the book’s ending. The best relationship in this book was the friendship between Sabine and Ailesse. Both are two different people whose differences in this case help expand the story.

Should You Read Bone Crier’s Moon?

Bone Crier’s Moon is a short, fast paced, making it an easy read. I was pretty much hooked for five hours reading this, but ultimately, it’s another forgettable YA novel with a lot of potential. I rated this 3 stars.

Page Count: 480 | Publisher: Katherine Tegan/HarperCollins | Publication Date: March 3, 2020 | Genre: YA Fantasy and Romance

About Author

Lover of all things books, cats, and art, Sarah is currently a student in high school. When she is not reading, Sarah is usually writing and can be found in libraries and bookstores. Sarah is always looking for new adventures to write about (her Hogwarts letter didn't come so she's waiting to turn 50 for her adventure to the middle earth).

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